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Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is often something we expect students to inherently know without explicit instruction. However, many students need guidance when developing self-awareness and social skills. This curriculum takes into account that high-quality literature is the ideal opportunity to learn about the five key competencies of social emotional learning.


In this curriculum, you will find the units and lessons that cover the following key competencies:




Responsible Decision Making

Relationship Skills

Social Awareness


This curriculum is designed to be flexible and can be used in classrooms, after school settings, summer programming, etc. The lessons are written using the Kentucky Academic Standards Guiding Principles and Interdisciplinary Literacy Practices in addition to the Social Emotional Compentencies. 

Mindful Literacy: Curriculum & Kit

SKU: 364215376135191
  • Mindful Literacy was created by teachers in order to bring quality, research based literacy instruction to all students, no matter the setting. Mindful Literacy may be implemented in the classroom, resource/therapeutic settings, or in after school and summer programming. Therefore, we consider a teacher to be any adult that has direct interaction with children and the motivation to help them become better readers and writers. This curriculum was designed to be straightforward and very user friendly, so that teachers do not need to have a formal education background to use these tools to help students progress in their literacy proficiency.

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A 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization | EIN: 82-4974981

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